Shipping Message

100% Money-Back Quality Guarantee & Return Policy

Our aim is to ensure 100% satisfaction for our customers. Therefore, if you are not happy with your purchase due to our error or a defect in the material or workmanship of the product, we will provide a 100% refund at your request and upon return of the product within 30 days of receiving your order. Errors on our part include such things as misspelling the text that you entered with your order, using the wrong color thread, using the wrong font or design as specified on your order, or using the wrong product style or color. Defects to the material or workmanship of the product itself include such things as tears in the fabric, stains, unraveled stitching in the hems, or size differences substantially different than stated in the product description. In such cases, we will either refund your full order or replace the products with the corrections, whichever you prefer.

For blank products (products with no custom personalization added) with no defects in material or workmanship, we will accept returns for any reason within 30 days of receiving your order. Products must be returned in new, unused condition. Refunds will be in full for the price of the products, but will not include shipping charges.

Understandably, returns for custom imprinted products for any reason other than our error or a defect in the material or workmanship of the product cannot be accepted. This covers all orders received that are accurate to the specifications in your order (correct product and color, correct text and spelling, font and thread color, etc.), but for whatever reason, you decide you just don't like it (you spelled a name wrong, you would rather have used a different thread color or font, etc.). Although we cannot accept returns in this case, we do still want your complete satisfaction in your shopping experience with To that end, if you find that you do not like the options that you chose, or you made an error in spelling a name or other text, we will provide a one-time "re-do" option for you at a 50% discount. You would just let us know that you'd like the order redone with the specified changes and we'll do that for you at half price.

Bulk Orders:
Our aim for bulk orders is still to ensure 100% satisfaction. However, for some bulk orders (usually orders with 12 or more products), we reserve the right to process them a little differently. In order to insure your satisfaction prior to customizing all of the items in a bulk order, we will require a proof to be approved. The proof will either be a physical sample that we ship to you, or a photograph that we email to you. In either case, we will ask that you sign an approval form that indicates your satisfaction with the product and customization. Upon your approval, we will complete the remainder of the bulk order. Items processed in this manner will not be eligible for return unless there is a defect in the merchandise or an obvious defect or error in the customization, substantially differing from the approved proof.

In the event you have a return issue, please contact us at to make return arrangements.


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